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  Unbiased estimation in nonparametric classes of distributions, Statistics & Decisions 5 (1987), 89-104. (pdf
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  Robust tests against dependence, Probability and Math. Statistics 6 (1985), 1-10. (pdf)
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Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München (
  Conservation of UMP-resp. maximin property of statistical tests under extensions of probability measures, Coauthor: D. Plachky, Proceedings of the Colloquium on Goodness of Fit, Debrecen (1984), 439-457. (pdf)
  Stochastically ordered distributions and monotonicity of the OC of an SPRT, Math. Operationsforschung, Series Statistics, Vol. 12 (1981), 327-338.
  Asymptotic distributions of multivariate rank order statistics, Ann. Statist. 4 (1976), 912-923. (pdf)
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