Conditional limit theorems for random excursions,
Coauthor: J.Kühn,
Preprint April 2014.
Limit theorems for depths and distances in weighted random b-ary recursive trees,
Coauthor: G. O. Munsonius,
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Note on the weighted internal path length of b-ary trees,
Coauthor: E.-M. Schopp,
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A limit theorem for recursively defined processes in Lp,
Coauthor: K. Eickmeyer,
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Exponential bounds and tails for additive random recursive sequences,
Coauthor: E. M. Schopp,
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Exponential tail bounds for max-recursive sequences,
Coauthor: E. M. Schopp,
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On stochastic recursive equations of sum- and max-type,
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A Markov chain algorithm for Eulerian orientations of planar triangular graphs,
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in: Mathematics and Computer Science III Algorithms, Trees,
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Analysis of Markov chain algorithms on spanning trees, rooted forests, and connected subgraphs,
Coauthor: J. Fehrenbach,
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Analysis of algorithms by the contraction method: additive and max-recursive sequences,
Coauthor: R. Neininger,
in: Interacting Stochastic Systems, Eds. J. Deuschel, A. Greven, Springer (2005), 435-449.
Multivariate aspects of the contraction method,
Coauthor: R. Neininger. Preprint (2003),
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Markov chain algorithms for Eulerian orientations and
3-colourings of 2-dimensional Cartesian grids,
Coauthor: J. Fehrenbach. Statistics & Decisions 22 (2004), 109-130.
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München
On the contraction method with degenerate limit equation,
Coauthor: R. Neininger, Annals of Probability 32 (2004), 2838-2856.
A general limit theorem for recursive algorithms and combinatorial structures,
Coauthor: R. Neininger,
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Rates of convergence for Quicksort,
Coauthor: R. Neininger,
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Convergence of two-dimensional branching recursions,
Coauthor: M. Cramer,
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On the weighted Euclidean matching problem in Rd,
Coauthor: B. Anthes,
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On partitioning algorithms for matching problems,
Coauthor: G. Sachs,
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Limit laws for partial match queries in quadtrees,
Coauthor: R. Neininger,
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On the internal path length of d-dimensional quadtrees,
Coauthor: R. Neininger,
Random Structures and Algorithms 15 (1999), 25-41.
The contraction method for recursive algorithms,
Coauthor: U. Rösler,
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Limiting distribution of the collision resolution interval,
Coauthors: P. Feldman and S. T. Rachev,
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Analysis of algorithms by the contraction method,
Coauthor: M. Cramer.
In: Athen's conference on Appl. Probability and Time Series.
Eds.: Heyde, et al., Lecture Notes in Statistics 114 (1996), 18-33
Convergence of a branching type recursion,
Coauthor: M. Cramer,
Ann. Institute Henri Poincaré: 32 (1996), 725-741.
Convergence of the iterative proportional fitting procedure,
Ann. Statistics 23 (1995), 1160-1174.
Limit theorems for recursive algorithms,
Coauthors: P. Feldmann and S. T. Rachev,
J. Comp. Appl. Mathematics 56 (1995), 169-182.
Probability metrics and recursive algorithms,
Coauthor: S. T. Rachev,
Adv. Appl. Prob. 27 (1995), 770-799.